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Online Program
Your guide to the world of body stretching and splits
BONUS! A set of workouts
to improve your posture
  • 20 stretching videos for splits and body flexibility
  • Progress schedule
  • Nutrition and Exercise tips from
    the trainer
Learn how to get into full splits
just in 30 days!
The Program is for you,
if you want to:
Сесть на шпагат
Get into splits
and achieve your
childhood dream
Улучшить гибкость суставов
Improve your
and get rid of back
Снять стресс
Relieve stress,
improve your sleep
and boost your
Улучшить женское здоровье
Improve women’s
and boost your
Benefits of flexibility?
Здоровье, гибкость и лёгкость во всем теле
posture and
Stretching is the perfect way to relieve back pain and improve your posture. Flexibility increases your ability to engage muscles needed for correct posture
Стройная и подтянутая фигура
It helps you
stay fit
Short workout videos will help your get in shape, tone up your body and improve your stamina without lifting weights.
Even 10 minutes of stretching can reduce stress, boost energy and make you feel happier!
Уменьшение стресса и улучшение сна
Stretching and meditation go well together. During our stretching sessions, you can focus on breathing and how your body feels at the moment.
What’s new
in the Program?
It’s a completely new full-body flexibility
workout program and 2 types of splits:
“Front Splits” and “Middle Splits”
Формат индивидуальной тренировки
with voice guidance
of the trainer
Элементы совсем для «деревянных»
Effective exercises
for absolute
to improve their
flexibility level
Упражнения на гибкость спины
Spine mobility
to reduce stiffness
in your entire body
5 видов разминки
5 types of
are already built
into the workouts
What’s inside:
Курс включает курс
A unique method to help you easily get
into splits;
20 stretching videos to develop full-body flexibility.
Level: beginner - advanced.
Convenient video format with voice
guidance of the trainer.
Nutrition and exercise tips from the trainer.
4 months access immediately available after payment;
Train ANYTIME ANYWHERE. Available on any device such as smartphone, PC or Smart TV.
Enjoy your workouts at home!
Many women do the workouts with their
kids, which is especially convenient for
moms on their maternity leave
Занимайся с удовольствием дома!
Here is what you’ll be
able to do:
Over 5 years, we have helped more than 300,000 of our students achieve full splits.
Results you will achieve:
Beautiful, flexible and fit body;
Strong and healthy joints;
Lean and toned legs without swelling or cellulite;
Toned body without lifting weights;
Improved women’s health at any age;
You will achieve your childhood dream - get into splits;
Healthy self-esteem.
Join the Program
and achieve your dream!
Free Back
Flexibility Workout
  • 20 stretching videos for splits and
    body flexibility
  • ️Motivation coaching with useful tips
  • ️Motivation section with articles
  • 4 months access
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The promotion
ends in:
61 $
36 $
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Refund in 72 hours is guaranteed
Only 3 steps to make
your dream come true
button and join the Program
with 4 months access
Exercise 30 minutes
every day with Liza as
your personal trainer
Enjoy your flexible,
graceful and toned
Frequently asked question
Can I do the splits if I’m 37, 45, or 50 years old?
Yes, yes, and yes! If you commit yourself to regular exercise, you can stretch at any age. Participants of our program learn the splits even at 60!
Contraindications to stretching
Not recommended in the following cases:

1. After recent fractures, because stretching directly affects both the muscles and bones, which is very dangerous while the body is healing

2. Inflammatory and chronic diseases of joints during exasperation

3. Osteoporosis and arthrosis as well as any injuries, dislocations or diseases of muscles, spine or joints

4. Restrictions due to spinal hernias: read more

5. Thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis or other cardiovascular diseases

6. Pregnancy

7. Hypertension

8. A sudden pain during stretching exercises (this is an alert of serious “malfunctions” in the body that require an immediate consultation with a doctor).

Please follow the above advice and make sure you consult a doctor in case you are uncertain about the expedience of stretching.
What equipment do I need to exercise?
Resistance bands/belts, a yoga mat, yoga cubes.
Will stretching help me to lose weight?
Yes, stretching improves blood circulation and metabolism. Your muscles saturated with oxygen which aids to burn calories. Stretching is an excellent prevention of varicoses and helps to get rid of fluid from the body. Stretching tones the muscles and reduces cellulite.
Will I be able to train online?
Of course! You will work out one-on-one with me, at your own pace without experiencing the pressure of keeping up with others. You don’t have to spend time getting ready and commuting to the fitness studio and back. Do my online workouts ANYTIME and ANYWHERE for 20 minutes a day.
How often should I stretch?
The speed of your results depends on the initial level of flexibility. We recommend working out 3 to 4 times a week. If you feel that it's not enough, then increase it to 5 times a week. Listen to your body.
How long does it take to be able to do the split?
As we calculated you can reach the split in a few weeks...
All depend on the physical characteristics of your body. How fast your body recovers? The quality of exercise in regularity, correctness and your efforts.
8 out of 10 participants of our program achieve their results in the first month!
Can you do stretching exercises during pregnancy?
Every pregnant woman should consult with her doctor before beginning a stretching program. If you got allowed or you led a sporty lifestyle before pregnancy, you’re welcome to start stretching. You take full responsibility for yourself.
Got questions?
Write to support:
You can get into the splits
at any age in 30 days!